Faceless renaiscance figures behind a box "Catholic Questions"

Catholic Questions - Father's Day

已发布 : Jun-16-2021

What would be a good present for my dad on Father's Day?

A special day to celebrate the person we love, be it a birthday, anniversary, or Mother's/Father's day is a reminder of the blessing a person is to the world. How awesome of God to have created the miracle of this special person, in this case, your dad! These special days are a chance to appreciate those we love and to let them know that we are glad that they were placed in our lives. What is the best gift for any person? In a lovely book called The Five Languages of Love, author Gary Chapman tells us that people mostly appreciate one of the following:

  • Words of affirmation (You're a good dad!)
  • Quality time, just spending time with them.
  • Physical touch (A warm hug)
  • Gifts (A new coffee cup)
  • Acts of service (A shoe shine)

It would be hard to know what your dad would like most. Perhaps you could include several of these in one gift for him. It is a sign that you care that you would even ask such a question. A dad's job is important, but not easy. Certainly, I would suggest you take some time to pray for your dad as Father's Day draws near. Then I would encourage you to give God thanks for creating your dad and giving him to this world.

What a wonderful question to conclude the Catholic Question series. I want to thank you all for your wonderful questions and for joining us through this series.

I also want to sent a special blessing to all the Father's and Father figures in our lives.

Loving God, shine Your light and grace upon fathers and all father figures in our lives.

St. Joseph the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus, we ask your blessing upon these men.