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Catholic Questions - Names

已发布 : Jun-09-2021

When people call me names, it hurts my feelings. How do I make it not hurt?

Because I was teased sometimes when I was a child, my mom taught me this old saying: "Sticks and stones may break bones, but words will never harm me." She was loving trying to protect me, but it didn't usually help me that much. When someone called me names, it hurt. Most people find that's true. For me, there are two things that do help. First, l remember that no one can take way my goodness or joy. I can give those away, but no one can take them from me. Second, I think about Jesus. People called Jesus names, saying he was a drunkard, glutton and friend of sinners. But on the day he was baptized, Jesus was called a name that probably changed his life. Jesus was called "Beloved" by God. I believe Jesus never forgot that, and he would remind himself of that name when he was sad, tired, discouraged or ridiculed. At your Baptism, God said to you, "You are my beloved." You might find that hard to believe, but it's true. You are precious to God. You are God's beloved. No one likes to be called names. If it happens to you again, remember the dignity and goodness that no one can take from you. You are God's beloved. No name anyone could ever call you can take away this most important name of all.