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Catholic Questions - Thankfulness

已发布 : May-19-2021

Everyone says I should be thankful for what I've got. What if I don't feel thankful?

One summer, my job was to drive a tractor to clear fields. People had told me-as they told you-that it is important to be grateful. So I decided to spend the first 15 minutes on the tractor each day practicing being grateful. As I cleared fields that first morning, I thinked God for everything I could think of: I even thanked God for things I had never thought to be thankful for before! When I was done thanking God for everything I could think of, I looked at my watch - only 6  minuted had passed. But as the days went by, I found more and more things to be gratful for, and the 15 minuted went by in a blink. What I learned is that the more I practice being grateful, the more I will see how blessed I am. Whether or not I feel thankful, it is indeed important to choose to be grateful. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important things anyone could ever do! One spiritual writer even said that if the only prayer we ever said was "Thank you," it would be enough. For the more I practice being grateful, the more alive and joyful l will become. But it takes practice. My encouragement: Choose to be a grateful person. Practice seeing your blessings. And watch what a difference that will make in your life.

We Know We Ought to be Grateful But this is the Reason we Aren't