A wood carving of the virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus

Celebrate Mary in May - Hail Mary

已发布 : May-03-2021

During the month of May, special focus is placed on devotions to the Virgin Mary.

Join us every Monday in May as we honour the Mother of our Lord Jesus. This collection of Marian reflections and prayers consists of a narrative magisterium which follows Mary. Every day of her life Mary was faithful to the lasting echo of her 'yes' at the Annunciation. Mary calls our attention to beauty itself, a powerful instrument of intuition and communication. It is the power of her heart, that is able to create communion and that makes life 'magical'. Calling on Mary is for every Christian equivalent to calling on solace and comfort in life. Mary is the place where the human and the divine meet. She is the knot that ties time and eternity together. Mary is a woman of courage and surprise, she shows throughout her existence an increase in humanity, an enlarged heart that is given only to those who fulfil what it is to be Christian. 

We do not praise God sufficiently by keeping silent about his saints, especially Mary, "the Holy One" who became his dwelling place on earth. This simple and multiform light of God appears to us exactly in its variety and richness only in the countenance of the saints, who are the true mirrors of his light. And it is precisely by looking at Mary's face that we can see more clearly than in any other way the beauty, goodness and mercy of God. In her face we can truly perceive the divine light.

Magnet | Hail Mary Prayer | Style MAGS02 - F.C. Ziegler Company