An open lectioanry on a wooden pulpit facing an empty church

Get moving

已发布 : May-22-2021

Returning from the Holy Land a month before the pandemic struck, my friend mourned the paltry few minutes he was allowed to spend at the places that were part of Jesus' life. "We were hustled through quickly because of the massive crowds," he said. It seems strange in our world of social distancing to think of pressing crowds. But crowds or not, I imagine that it would be hard to say good-bye to the places where Jesus walked, talked, and healed, even after hours or days there. But just as we'd like to keep our kids small and innocent forever, we know we can't. Jesus calls us to rise, take up our mats and walk. Where do you need Jesus' help to move forward today?

Lord God, no matter where we go, you guide us in the ways to know.

In the car or on a train...

Riding bikes or on a plane...

When we walk in dark or light, you keep your path within our sights.

Walking in the Footprints of Jesus : Week Two