An open lectioanry on a wooden pulpit facing an empty church


已发布 : May-29-2021

Kids can usually tell the difference between hollow praise ("that's nice honey") and the kind of healthy, honest encouragement they need to grow into well adjusted, compassionate, empathetic, kind people. That kind of encouragement requires attention to what our kids are doing in the moment, knowledge of what they've done in the past, and an awareness of what they strive and hope for. In a way, it's the same with God, who knows when we are repeating empty praise while our minds and hearts are someplace else. Let's take some time today to pay attention to what God has done for us. What is he doing in our lives today, and what are his dreams for us for tomorrow?

Father, day by day we bless you.

Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.

Have mercy on us, Lord; have mercy, for we put our trust in you.

In you, Lord, we have hope; and we shall never hope in vain.