An open lectioanry on a wooden pulpit facing an empty church

Rocky Start

已发布 : Jun-19-2021

Every parent has some idea of what probably went through Peter's mind on hearing Jesus say, "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church..." It's probably how you felt when you learned that you were about to become a parent. You may have felt unprepared and unworthy. Like Peter, you've made mistakes. Yet here you are, the "rocks" for your own families. You might be imperfectly formed, with worn away spots or too-sharp edges. Still, you let Christ build on you. You give your kids Christ's foundation so that someday, they can be rocks for their own families. It doesn't mean teaching your kids courses on theology. Maybe you have breakfast together after Sunday Mass, or a daily family prayer time. Whatever your traditions are, pray about them today. Ask God to keep strengthening you for this work. And this Sunday as we celebrate Father's Day, say a special prayer for dad.

God, bless all the fathers in the world.

Guide them to be good role models and loving to their children.

Help them to be a Father like You are.

Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way.

Father's Day Celebrations from Around the World | K International