An open lectioanry on a wooden pulpit facing an empty church

St. Joseph the Radical

已发布 : Jul-17-2021

We don't think of quiet, hardworking St. Joseph as a radical, but he certainly wasn't afraid to challenge the religious dictates of his time. When he first learned of Mary's pregnancy, Joseph was unwilling to expose her to shame. That's pretty unconventional thinking for a "righteous man" who followed Mosaic law. He could easily have had Mary stoned and felt pretty satisfied with the "righteousness" of it. It's pretty radical for our time too. How often do we rush to share the latest gossip about celebrities who fall from grace? Do we have kneejerk reactions to kids' behaviours, or to words spoken by a spouse or boss? We can learn a lot from St. Joseph. Let us pray,

St. Joseph, God chose you to lead and protect the Holy Family.

Watch over us too. Keep us close to each other and to Jesus.

Watch over all families, especially those most in need right now.

Woman honors Year of St. Joseph with new book on Jesus' foster father